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April – November 2023

Rehovot Branch talk: Jewish Pirates of the Caribbean – Lainy Glazer @ Home of Jo & Ian Levitt
Jun 22 @ 20:30 – 22:30

You will be as surpised and intrigued as our speaker, Lainy Glazer, was by the role played by Sephardi Jews in the history of Spain and Portugal, and in the discovery of the New World. Looking forward to seeing you on our voyage of adventure.

Members: NIS 25     Non-members: NIS 40
Please register with Steve Morris,
or via Whatsapp +972-54-7228879

­This talk will be broadcast live on Zoom.

If you are interested please let Steve know

and he will send you the link

You can pay using the Paybox link

If you have any payment questions or problems
contact Steve Morris via Whatsapp +972-54-7228879


Rehovot Branch: Talk by Adam Levick of CAMERA U.K. @ Home of Stephen Simpson
Jul 11 @ 20:00 – 22:00

CAMERA-UK (Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting and Analysis) is dedicated to promoting fair, accurate and balanced coverage of Israel in the British media – challenging inaccurate, skewed and often inflammatory characterisations of Israel that mislead news consumers and policy makers. CAMERA-UK is co-edited by Adam Levick and Hadar Sela.

Registration required for this event.


Netanya Branch: Talk by Colonel Jo Burgon – Defence Attaché, British Embassy, Tel Aviv @ The Moadon
Jul 17 @ 19:30 – 22:00
We are delighted to welcome Colonel Jo Burgon, who will talk to us about her life in the Army from a woman’s perspective and her job as the Military Defence Attaché at the British Embassy.
Colonel Jo Burgon was commissioned into the Adjutant General’s Corps  in December 1996, following the year-long officer commissioning course at the Royal Military Academy, Sandhurst. Her early roles were focused on learning and development delivery in Army Education Centres, the Army Technical Foundation College and the Defense School of Languages at Beaconsfield. She spent much of her time as a staff officer in learning development adviser roles, supporting the analysis, development and evaluation of training and education for a number of different Army capability leads. She has served in Bosnia and Iraq. She has a Master of Arts in Education and a Master of Science in Human Resource Development. She has commanded three Army Education Centres in Catterick in 2003-2005, and one of the British Army’s two education delivery units, ETS(North), from 2016-2018.

On promotion to Colonel and to the General Staff, her first assignment was as Deputy Assistant Chief of Staff Education and ETS Branch Colonel. She then studied Hebrew at the Defence Academy for six months before attending the 49th Israeli National Defence College in preparation for her role as the United Kingdom’s Defence Attaché to Tel Aviv and Jerusalem.

There will be light refreshments during the evening.
Netanya Branch: Talk by Mark Lewis @ The Moadon
Aug 16 @ 19:30 – 21:30
Mark, is a well-known media litigator who pioneered the phone hacking claims that led to the closure of the News of the World.
Netanya Event: Speaker – Mark Lewis @ The Moadon
Aug 16 @ 19:30 – 21:30

Mark is a well-known media litigator who pioneered the phone hacking claims that led to the closure of the News of the World.

Netanya Branch: Talk by Colonel Jo Burgon, Defence Attaché at British Embassy @ The Moadon
Sep 19 @ 19:30 – 21:30

Jo Burgon will talk about life in the army from a woman’s perspective and her job as the Defence Attaché at the British Embassy.She has had a distinguished career and this should be a fascinating talk.

Rehovot Branch: Talk on Coping Techniques in times of Stress by Jill Shames @ on Zoom
Oct 26 @ 20:30 – 22:00

Jill Shames is a Clinical Social Worker specialising in Trauma and Health Care Resilience and a volunteer with United Hatzalah (and an Advanced Black Belt in Shorin-ryu Karate!)
18 months ago she shared with us her experience helping children and women in Moldova and in Ukraine.

Now she is using her skills working with the soldiers and police who experienced the horrors of the Simchat Torah invasion.

In this Zoom meeting, Jill will share with us her coping techniques. We will practise them together and she will tell us of her recent experiences using these techniques.

There is no charge for this event but we welcome your contributions to the donation that HOB Rehovot will be giving to United Hatzalah to suppport  this important effort.

Please register with Steve Morris,
or Whatsapp to 054-7228879

The Zoom link will be sent the day before the event.

HOB National Talk: Gaza – Past, Present and Future by Professor David Newman O.B.E. @ on Zoom
Nov 4 @ 20:00 – 21:30

Prof. Newman holds the research chair in Geopolitics at Ben Gurion University. Originally from London he made aliya in 1982 and has lived in the southern community of Meitar for the past 35 years. In 2013 he was awarded the OBE for strengthening academic and scientific links between Israel and the UK. Prof. Newman studied at the University of London and completed his PhD at the University of Durham before coming to live in Israel.

Booking essential:

Suggested donation of NIS 20 per person and all proceeds from this event will be donated to The Association for Israel’s Soldiers. Payment can be made via Paybox


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