Events Calendar

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July 2020 – March 2023

Five Towns and the North Series of Cookery Demonstrations on Zoom
Aug 17 @ 19:30 – 22:00

Celia Cruz and Esther Miller will share and demonstrate recipes with you.

Free to paid-up members of HOB. Series starts on 17th August.



Extraordinary General Meeting, followed by a talk “Pavilions of Promise” by David Matlow @ on Zoom
Nov 16 @ 20:00 – 21:00

This meeting is to approve the audit committee and adjust the annual subscription for 2022. This meeting is for HOB members only.

Booking essential: Nadia @Rances .net

David Matlow owns the largest private collection of Theodor Herzl memorabilia. David uses his collection to inform people about the history of the State of Israel and the Zionist movement.



Rehovot Branch Documentary Film: “A Voice among the Silent: the Legacy of James G. McDonald” @ Home of Ellie and Steve Morris
Feb 23 @ 20:30 – 22:30
HOB Rehovot invites you to meet one of Israel’s unsung heroes in a documentary film “A VOICE AMONG THE SILENT: The Legacy of James G. McDonald” made by award-winning film-maker Shuli Eshel. Shuli will present the film followed by a question and answer session.
This is the first documentary to focus on James Grover McDonald’s remarkable efforts to warn the world of Adolf Hitler’s plans for the Jews. The incredible story of McDonald’s foresight was almost lost to history until his meticulously kept diaries were discovered in 2003.
As League of Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, McDonald worked tirelessly to find safe havens for refugees fleeing Nazi Germany.
McDonald later became the first US Ambassador to Israel.

Places are limited so please book in advance with Linda as above.
You can pay using the Paybox link
Rehovot Branch: Documentary Film “A Voice among the Silent” – the legacy of James G. McDonald @ Home of Ellie and Steve Morris
Feb 23 @ 20:30 – 22:30

Places are limited so please book in advance with Linda Geffon, as above.

You can pay using the Paybox link below using the Paybox app

The film-maker, Shuli Eshel, will be present at the showing and take questions afterwards. 

This is the first documentary to shine light on James McDonald’s remarkable efforts to warn the world of Adolf Hitler’s plan for the Jews. The incredible story of McDonald’s foresight was almost lost to history until his meticulously kept diaries were discovered in 2003.
The son of Catholic immigrants, James Grover McDonald was one of the first Americans to meet face-to-face with Hitler in 1933. Shocked by Hitler’s threats, McDonald, as League of Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, worked tirelessly to find safe havens for refugees fleeing Nazi Germany. McDonald repeatedly warned world leaders including President Franklin D Roosevelt and future Pope Pius XII of the looming tragedy he foresaw.
President Harry Truman appointed McDonald the first US Ambassador to Israel. McDonald’s role was pivotal in aiding the new state and shaping American-Israeli friendship. McDonald spoke up when others were silent. McDonald’s bravery is a model for human decency and courage that is as relevant today as it was 80 years ago.
In 1951-52, McDonald wrote in his “Coda”: “To me, the threat of Jewish extermination in Germany was a threat also to all Christians, indeed to all freedom of religion and all democratic ideals and principles. The threat to Jews was not only a hideous wrong but also created a world problem of overwhelming significance. Hence it was that only for the sake of the Jews but for the larger cause of freedom, justice, and equal treatment of all human beings, everywhere, whatever their race, religion, or nationality, I – a blonde “Aryan” offspring of Scotch-Canadian and Midwest American stock, a teacher and student by profession and inclination – became a champion for Jewish aspirations and equal human rights … It was an irresistible call.”


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