Shomronim Succa

30 October 2012 @ 15:00 – 17:00
details when you register
small donation of 35nis
Samaritan succah
Samaritan succah

THE SHOMRONIM who live in Holon have a wonderful holiday of Succot.  The Head/Rabbi who used to work with me in the Jewish  Agency and has invited us to his home Succa  After he has given us a short explanation we shall be able to view other Succot , each one is different. Although they are made with fruit which is given afterwards to the poor.

Their Holiday falls later than ours so We are invited on the 30th October at 15.00hrs.

I need to make sure no other group is there at the same time as he will speak with us in English, so please register with me ASAP.

Busses from TA stop a few meters away from his home. Parking is easy. I will send you details when you register.

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